{% assign version = page.url | remove_first: "/" | split: "/" | first %} {% assign upgrading = false %} {% if version == '' or version == 'releases' %} {% assign version = site.data.project.default_version %} {% assign upgrading = true %} {% endif %} {% capture version_type %}{{ version|get_version_type }}{% endcapture %} {% capture version_home %}/{{ version }}/{% endcapture %} {% if page.description %} {% else if site.data.project.description %} {% endif %} {% if page.url == '/' %} {{ site.data.project.site_title }} - {{ site.data.project.tagline }} {% else %} {{ page.title }} - {{ site.data.project.site_title }} {% endif %} {% if page.url == '/' %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if page.description %} {% else %} {% endif %}


{% if upgrading == false %} {% for section in site.data.menu.version[version] %} {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for section in site.data.menu.upgrading %}

{{ section[0] }}

{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% if version_type == 'next' %}

This is the documentation for the upcoming version {{ version }}. This is a work in progress

{% endif %} {% if version_type == 'previous' %}

This is the documentation for version {{ version }}. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version

{% endif %} {% if version_type == 'legacy' %}

This is the documentation for the unsupported version {{ version }}. Please consider upgrading your code to the latest stable version

{% endif %} {{ content }}